<<< Click & Drag Mouse To Move About >>> <<< Double Click To End This Message >>> Castle in the Clouds by Jim Foley Copyright©1995-97 by Jim Foley Background Information: Your party has fought many battles in the past and could use some rest. You have traveled to McBane City for some rest and relaxation since you have heard it is a peaceful city. During your travels to McBane City, Evil forces have taken over the land and threaten to destroy the remaining goodness. Even though your party is weary, you can not resist a little adventure. I have made the Castle in the Clouds scenario for people who have just played the City of Bywater scenario and want more adventure. The "Normal" monsters should provide enough challange and experience for your characters to move up in experience during play of Castle in the Clouds. Those of you who are veteran Realmz players and have played, both Prelude to Pestilence and Assault on Giant mountain may want to use the harder sets of monsters. The "Monster" monsters should provide a challange for a group consisting of 12-20 level characters. The "Mega" monsters are VERY TOUGH! This monster set should only be chosen if you have very high level characters or if you want to see how fast a bunch of "Mega Orcs" can kill your party. I should also note that this scenario is for characters that are good or neutral looking for riches and glory. Registering Castle in the Clouds Registration Fee: $10 To register "Castle in the Clouds", fill out the order form in chapter 3 of the manual or you can fill one out online by by selecting "Print Order Form" under the apple menu. <<< Click & Drag Mouse To Move About >>> <<< Double Click To End This Message >>>